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Empathy drives Innovation
In today's rapidly evolving world, innovation is the driving force to success. At Leap Insight, we know empathy moves the needle on...
The Value of Empathy
In design thinking terms, Empathy is a key stage in the interactive process of developing new products and solutions that solve problems...
Customer centricity where it matters...
Twice in the last week I was blown away by unexpected “post-service” service. The first event related to my local Thai massage place....
Why data is not insight
One thing marketers are not short of is data. We are drowning in it - from Google analytics and Meta data to qualitative and quantitative...
6 Top Energisers to Reset the Room
1. Synchronised Clapping ( Time: 5-10 mins Group Size: 5+ 1. Group stands in a circle 2....
Have you been framed? Why "how" something is said is more influential than "what" is said.
A brash, bold and alarming headline the other day read something along the lines of “20% of Australians to refuse jab”. Of course, data...
If decision making is largely subconscious, what value does research have?
The more we learn about the brain, the more we understand what really drives people... but if so much decision making is sub-conscious,...
Using Stories to understand the Human inside the Consumer.
For as long as we’ve been around (or so the assumption goes), human beings have used stories to convey information and shape their sense...
Making packaging count
For many FMCG brands, the retail environment represents the single best opportunity to drive sales and growth. However, it's hard to...
Henry Ford's Faster Horses - how consumer insight fuels innovation.
Good old Henry Ford is oft touted about as an example about the dangers of relying on consumer input in the innovation process. "If I had...
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